This is an example of a customer's input:
Name of the child:
Age of the child:
4 - 6
Hair colour of the child:
Skin colour of the child:
Language of the story:
Gender of the child:
Tell us something about the child's interests:
Adam loves Mr. Rabbit, his white stuffed Rabbit toy. He also likes to play with our black-and-white Chihuahua, Jonas. In summer we (Adam and his parents) are going on a trip to Italy for which he is very excited.
Would you like to add a subtle moral or life lesson to the story?
Yes, please include a moral or life lesson while keeping it fun.
Your desired life lesson:
Sharing brings happiness - whether it is toys, time, or talents.
Would you like to include a personal message on the first page of the book?
Dearest Adam, Happy Birthday! We're so excited for our adventure in Italy together - with you and of course, Mr. Rabbit. With love, Mom and Dad.